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Public Formal Solicitations

Formal Solicitation Board

You may not use any documents or information printed from this Solicitations Board for the purpose of submitting a bid. Please click here to register to bid on opportunities with Nassau County. The Board may be filtered by any of the criteria below.

Please note that the below list is for informational purposes only. To access a bid please go to Vendor Portal and click the “Nassau County Procurement”.

LinkDepartmentSolicitation/Contract #TitleStatusIssue DateEnd Date
Information TechnologyIT0317-2507Supplemental StaffingAmended03/17/2025 03:00 PM EDT05/02/2025 08:00 AM EDT
Police Dept.PD0324-2513Automated License Plate Recognition SystemOpen03/17/2025 11:00 AM EDT03/31/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Public WorksH41009-01GRehabilitation of Polaris ParkOpen03/21/2025 09:00 AM EDT04/22/2025 10:30 AM EDT
Public WorksPW-H61587-72CMConstruction Management Services and Inspection Services for Resurfacing Phase 72-Atlantic Avenue Rehabilitation-PIN 0762.13Open03/14/2025 09:00 AM EDT04/11/2025 03:00 PM EDT
Public WorksPW-H61587-71CMConstruction Management Services & Inspection Services for Resurfacing Phase 71-Lido Boulevard Rehabilitation-PIN 0761.68Open03/14/2025 09:00 AM EDT04/11/2025 03:00 PM EDT
Public WorksPW- H60045-04CMConstruction Management Services-Beech Street Roadway Improvement ProjectAmended03/07/2025 09:00 AM EDT04/04/2025 03:00 PM EDT
Purchasing 39049-04035-076POULTRY, MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTSOpen03/20/2025 08:00 AM EDT04/03/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 39084-04035-077FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLESOpen03/20/2025 08:00 AM EDT04/03/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 39021-04035-075EGGS, CHEESE AND SOY BASED PRODUCTSOpen03/20/2025 08:00 AM EDT04/03/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 45026-04015-057DOOR COMPONENTSOpen03/20/2025 08:00 AM EDT04/01/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 15025-04015-058SECURITY FOOD SLOTSOpen03/20/2025 08:00 AM EDT04/01/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 45055-04015-059ACCESSORIES FOR ELECTRONIC KEY BOXESOpen03/20/2025 08:00 AM EDT04/01/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 84084-04085-067Drone and AccessoriesOpen03/13/2025 11:00 AM EDT04/08/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 80595-03275-068FABRICATED SAUNA PACKAGEOpen03/13/2025 08:00 AM EDT03/27/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 38500-03275-071FROZEN FOODSOpen03/13/2025 08:00 AM EDT03/27/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 46583-03275-062METHADONE MEDICAL EQUIPMENTOpen03/13/2025 08:00 AM EDT03/27/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 68008-03275-051VEST CARRIERSOpen03/13/2025 08:00 AM EDT03/27/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 96888-03275-050TREE REMOVAL SERVICEAmended03/13/2025 08:00 AM EDT03/27/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 96673-03255-069HARDCOVER PHOTOBOOK FOR NC ANNIVERSARY.Amended03/13/2025 08:00 AM EDT04/01/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 04553-03275-055CAFETERIA/KITCHEN EQUIPMENTOpen03/06/2025 08:00 AM EDT03/27/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 32584-03135-043K9 DOG KENNELSAmended02/27/2025 08:00 AM EDT03/27/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Purchasing 07000-04035-047Ford Transit HR DRW Upfitted - Rehab TruckAmended02/27/2025 08:00 AM EDT04/03/2025 11:00 AM EDT
Real EstateRE0221-2508Purchase and Development of Real PropertyOpen03/05/2025 08:00 AM EDT04/09/2025 04:00 PM EDT
Social ServicesSS0226-2510Victim ServicesOpen02/26/2025 03:30 PM EDT04/30/2025 05:00 PM EDT
Social ServicesSS1025-2450Emergency Shelter ServicesOpen10/25/2024 08:00 AM EDT10/24/2025 08:00 AM EDT
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